Reiki Center of Venice
Color Therapy Certification
Color Therapy is the use of color to affect the body and its energy system in a way as to bring it back into balance. We all know how color can affect us. Have you ever walked into a room and either hated, loved or were drawn into the room due to the color on the wall?
Studies on the effect of the use of colors on the wall have been done in prisons and hospitals. While it was found that shades of red made prisoners more agitated and aggressive, colors such as blue were found to be more calming and peaceful.
Color Therapy for Energy Workers
Information on Certification
For this certification, I will teach you how to use color therapy on clients to help elicit the body's natural response to healing. With my knowledge of color therapy, I have been able to use color as a separate modality, or I can combine it with the other modalities such as Reiki, tuning forks, crystals, and more...
For this course, I will show you how to smoothe out overactive chakras with color and how to activate and enhance underactive chakras with the use of color.
What you will receive with this certification: Large emanual, link to Instructional DVD on the Internet, and emailed certificate after completion of course.
Cost of Course: $99 everything will be emailed to you
NOTE: You MUST supply your own colored cloths.

Color Therapy for Energy Workers
Book Only (in color)
Cost $35 plus $4.99 postage.

Copyright© 2000-2020 Francine Milford