Reiki Center of Venice
Creating the Business of your Dreams
Marketing Strategies
This course is designed for the massage therapist, personal trainer, and bodyworker.
Ideas in this course have stood the test of time and are guaranteed to offer you a springboard to a successful business.
Onsite course is 4 NCBTMB and FL Massage Ce's
Home Study is 4 NCBTMB and FL Massage Ce's
About the Home Study Course
You will receive a large paperback book, DVD, and test.
Return answers to test for grading to receive you 4 ce's.
Cost: $59.99 plus U.S. $8.99 postage
About the Onsite Workshop
Enjoy an afternoon of brainstorming ideas for you to showcase your services, products and business image.
We will cover such topics as:
- Creating a Business Plan
- Writing a Mission Statement
- How to Use Power Words in advertising
- Pricing Strategies
- Marketing Strategies
- Image vs Identity
- Promotion
- Ways to receive free advertising
- How to get a free website, Internet listing, and more...
NOTE: If you already have a flier, brochure or business card-please bring them all with you to class.
I report to CE Broker

Please do NOT wear perfume or scented deoderant to class
Cost of onsite course is $99
Please do NOT wear perfume or scented deodorant. If you do, you may be asked to leave. Thank you.
Copyright© 2000-2020 Francine Milford